Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Chi Lin Nunnery

Secured in 1934 and redesigned in Tang line style (AD 618–907) in 1990, the Chi Lin Nunnery is a huge sanctuary complex of exquisite wooden structural planning, cherished Buddhist relics and soul-calming lotus lakes. The complex likewise incorporates a progression of sanctuary lobbies, some of which contain gold, earth and wooden statues speaking to divinities, for example, the Sakyamuni Buddha and bodhisattvas.

Nan Lian Garden

Slicing through Diamond Hill's heap of skyscraper lofts is the quiet Nan Lian Garden, an open stop likewise assembled in the style of the Tang administration. Its beautiful patio nursery is fastidiously finished over a territory of 3.5 hectares, in which each slope, rock, waterway, plant and timber structure has been set by principles and strategies. There are permenant displays of Chinese timber structural planning.


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