Friday, April 24, 2015

National Museum Of South Korea

The fabulous, marble-lined, pioneer fabricating shrewdly channels a lot of regular light to hotshot Korea's antiquated fortunes. The greenhouses on the privilege of the reflecting lake, with antiquated stone pagodas, the first Bosingak chime and Dragon Falls maybe the most pleasant spot in Seoul are justified regardless of a visit. 

Get a ticket from the workplace in the left-side area, which additionally houses the Yong Theater, unique displays and the kids' segment. Enter the gigantic chamber hall and work some way or another down the right-hand side, going through the different decision lines, from basic brush configuration pots and dolmens to the skilful and imagin­ative Baekje-time incense holder and the complex gold work of the Silla tradition crowns and necklaces.

On the off chance that your time and stamina is constrained, avoid the 2nd story (gifts and canvases) and head to the glorious antiquated earthenware production that Korea is well known for (3rd story). Try not to miss the remarkable 6th-century statue of the Pensive Bodhisattva and the expansive ­Buddhas, additionally on the 3rd floor.


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